Friday, March 14, 2008

Do Your Research Before Signing Up For Cheap Auto Insurance

Nobody likes to pay more than they need to for any kind of service, whether it is getting the oil changed in your car, getting your plumbing fixed, or auto insurance. It does not make good personal economic sense to pay more for something assuming all things are equal. The problem with many cheap auto insurance policies, however, is just that all things are not created equally and if you really compare against other policy quotes you have gotten, you can see that you are not comparing apples to apples.
This is particularly true of cheap auto insurance. The company that is quoting you the absolute bottom dollar price for your car insurance may not be the best one for you to seriously consider. This is the exact reason that when you are shopping for car insurance, do exactly that SHOP, and do not take the first policy that you find simply because of the low price. You may find that you are getting exactly what you pay for cheap auto insurance may also be cheap coverage.
Although you can find all kinds of auto insurance companies offering cheap policies these days, you also need to be aware that not all of these companies are reputable, nor do all of them offer policies that are worth the paper they are written on. This is where your research becomes critical, because you could have a cheap auto insurance policy with one of these companies for years, and when you have an accident and need to make a claim on that policy, well, that is definitely not the time to find out that you do not have the coverage you thought you had.
When you find a cheap auto insurance policy, do your research and do your homework. Does this company have pending complaints against it with the Better Business Bureau in the state where you live or elsewhere? Are they willing to provide you with references so you can contact some of their existing customers to find out what they think of the company?
Look over the policy carefully. Are there unreasonable exclusions? To use an extreme example, a friend of mine pointed out an exclusion in a policy he had been quoted, where he would be denied coverage in an accident if it was determined that he was at fault in that accident!
What are the deductibles that are being quoted? You could probably get a cheap auto insurance policy from almost any company if you had, for example, a $5000 deductible on collision or comprehensive coverage. For an older car, that deductible could be even more than the value of the car.
Make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Are the deductibles the same for the different types of coverages, like fire, theft, collision, comprehensive, etc? What are the limits of liability for personal damage and personal injury? If your quoted limit, for example, for personal injury is say $50,000 then you could be in trouble, since a serious injury that occurs in a car accident could easily exceed $50,000 after surgeries and a hospital stay. In fact, $50,000 would be used up in a heartbeat, leaving you liable for the remainder of the medical costs.
Bottom line: there are deals that can be found for cheap auto insurance but you need to be sure to do your homework and research to make sure you are really getting what you think you are getting. For more insights and additional information on Cheap Auto Insurance and to get a free online quote, please visit our web site at

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